Acupuncture referral service and a comprehensive resource for those seeking health and wellness information for themselves and their loved ones through the principles of Oriental Medicine.
Acupuncture Today
An excellent news source for AOM practitioners, students, patients and advocates. Includes basic information about the practice of AOM, research in the field, relevant and timely industry columns, discussion forums and polls. Also produces a monthly print publication.
Free Medical Journals
Provides free online access to most major medical journals.
Integrated, multi-specialty medical information and education tool for specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
NCCAM is the US Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). NCCAM funds and conducts research at scientific institutions around the world, trains new researchers and encourages experienced researchers to study CAM, provides timely and accurate information to the public and medical community about CAM and promotes the safety and effectiveness of proven CAM therapies.
Provides access to MEDLINE and links to full-text articles where available from citations retrieved. A nice feature of PubMed is the ability to link to “related articles” when you find an article on your topic.
Society for Acupuncture Research
Promotes, advances and disseminates scientific inquiry into Oriental medicine systems by fostering scientifically sound inquiries and stimulating scholarship in acupuncture and Oriental medicine. SAR also sponsors annual symposia on research methodologies in acupuncture and Oriental medicine which addresses clinical efficacy, physiological mechanisms, patterns of use and theoretical foundations.